Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Honor of Running A Race on the Issues

Well, it is finally here--Primary Election Day!  It has been a furious and challenging race.  I would have liked to have offered my wishes of good luck to my opponent, but it is hard to respect a man who is no more than a puppet for two of political enemies.  How my opponent can feel like an independent man after the sleazy campaign he is ultimately responsible for is beyond me.

As for myself, I feel that if re-elected I will be in the best position of my career to get enacted, finally, legislation that will help the state of Idaho stem the costs that illegal immigration cost taxpayers every year.  The amount of media I have been afforded to better explain this complicated issue to people I believe has helped get this moved to the front of the agenda.  I feel my loss would be Idaho's loss.

I am also proud of a few other items that I have been attacked for.  I am proud to have voted for GARVEE funding that has allowed our dangerous roads to becomes safer.  YES!  I am proud to have helped serve the people in this way!

I am proud of the years of work it too for me to help the Idaho Legislature to pass the Kralicek Act, the law that gives a $100,000 lump sum payment to our police and firefighters families in the event of a career ending injury sustained in the line of duty.  While everyone always said it was a good idea, it took 5 years of hard work to make it reality.

Fighting a campaign cleanly and honestly is its own reward, of course.  I am proud of my record.  I am proud to serve the people of District 3 and of all Idaho.

Please remember to vote today and I once again humbly ask for your vote when you do so.